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The China-Europe Freight train Shanghai made its debut in Europe today to participate in the 4th CIIE

  From the ShanghaiChina-europe freight trainThe car will depart from Shanghai today, via Alashan Pass, via Poland, and finally arrive in Hamburg, Germany. In order to suffer from international trade by sea, air transport capacity is tight and prices are soaring. Air transport capacity is tight, prices are soaring, and air transport costs are rising。

  It is reported that the first batch of 50 trains, including clothing, auto parts, solar panels, equipment, tableware, furniture, daily necessities, mechanical parts, lamps and so on。After the first voyage, trains will depart regularly every week, and ultimately create a connection point and hub for Shanghai's domestic and international dual-cycle strategy。

  Wang Jinqiu, chairman of Shanghai Eastern Silk Road Multimodal Transport Co., LTD., a China-Europe railway platform company, said: "The China-Europe railway can compress the transportation time to about 2 weeks, which is half of the time saved by sea。The logistics cost of each standard container will also be less than 30% savings。

  According to Zhao Honglin, deputy director of the Shanghai Customs Control Department,At present, global sea and air transport are affected by the epidemic and prices are at an unprecedented high,The China-Europe train from Shanghai is just in time,This is of great significance to ease the current international transportation pressure, improve Shanghai's global resource allocation capacity, and strengthen the function of the open hub portal。

The China-Europe Freight train Shanghai made its debut in Europe today to participate in the 4th CIIE

  mid-August,Received the task of customs supervision of the first voyage of the China-Europe train,Shanghai Customs immediately set up a special working group headed by the commissioner in charge, the supervision department, the science and Technology Department and the station customs department,Organize multi-party investigation and field investigation;Docking with Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and other relevant departments and relevant departments of China Railway,Straighten out the responsibilities of all parties,To discuss the opening of ports and site selection,Business processes and other matters;Contact Alashankou Customs,We will work together to improve the train supervision plan,Make customs supervision seamless。

  The station customs under Shanghai Customs is the customs in charge of the China-Europe train, responsible for customs clearance, inspection, supervision, site management and other work。In the past month, under the guidance of relevant functional departments, the Customs has repeatedly organized and carried out inspections of the whole process of declaration, inspection and release。Chai Yan, deputy director of the Customs of the railway station, said: "We have established the declaration window and special audit post of the China-Europe train, and have taken measures such as appointment inspection to ensure smooth customs clearance of goods in the class and rapid inspection of goods;Through on-site and video supervision and inspection, while ensuring the quality of on-site supervision, the overall clearance time is further compressed。

  It is reported that the first "Shanghai" will depart from Europe and return to Shanghai in mid-October, when a number of exhibits will depart from Europe to participate in the fourth China International Import Expo。

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