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"Export of organic Oolong tea" The help given by the customs to tea export has better opened up the international market

  "Export of organic oolong tea" Customs yesTea exportOrganic oolong tea is a kind of pollution-free, pure natural tea, through the strict production and processing certification of organic food certification bodies, is the embodiment of high-quality tea。Tea is a qualified product。The fresh leaves collected must not be mixed, and must be picked to the factory in time to ensure fresh, clean and no damage。CAI Yanyun, deputy general manager of Jiyunxiang, said that with the increasing attention of consumers to the health care function of tea, pollution-free green organic tea has gradually entered the domestic and foreign markets, and the quality and price positioning of organic oolong tea has also been improved。

  In recent years, Chaozhou, with its unique geographical environment, has become an advantageous area for agricultural products and tea industry with Chinese characteristics, and has formed the famous Phoenix Single cluster tea at home and abroad。In 2010, Chaozhou tea planting area 22.940,000 mu, wool tea output 2.240,000 tons, the annual output value of 5.2 billion yuan。

  Chaozhou gives support to Chaozhou tea customs export, is committed to creating special and high-quality export products, constantly strengthen the quality management of export commodities, and smooth the two-way circulation of tea at home and abroad。

  The information shows that in the first three quarters of this year, Chaozhou Customs inspected export tea 1.0.8 billion yuan, a new tea export record enterprise。

  Through the company + base + standardized supervision model, Chaozhou Customs has realized the quality and safety supervision of tea exports from raw materials to finished products。From the production point of view, strengthen the guidance of soil, water, agricultural residues, heavy metal pollution project monitoring, batch inspection of random sampling batches, strict control of additives, microorganisms, packaging standards, environmental health and other risk points in processing, to ensure the quality and safety of export tea。Xie Shaobin, Section chief of the second Section of Chaozhou Inspection Office, introduced that the Customs has established a tea industry liaison system, which can accurately guide enterprises to establish a Phoenix single cluster standard system and a whole-process monitoring system, and cooperate with local tea associations to promote green prevention and control technology and ecological planting to achieve tea pollution-free production mode。

  In addition, in order to help tea enterprises better explore the international market, Chaozhou Customs also actively participates in the Phoenix Single cluster tea industry promotion project and goes deep into tea farmers。The main standards of tea export inspection, the provisions of pesticide residues in tea products, the publicity of foreign food standards and regulations, the convenience of customs clearance, the application of AEO advanced certification, etc。Chaozhou tea record base covers an area of 7270 mu, and this year, two have won the title of Guangdong agricultural product export Demonstration base。

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