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China and the EU signed the Agreement on Protection and Cooperation of Geographical Indications

        On September 14, China and the European Union officially signed the "Agreement on the Maintenance and Cooperation of Astronomical Signs between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the European Union" (referred to as the "Agreement"), which will provide a high degree of maintenance for astronomical signs of the two sides and effectively prevent products posing as astronomical signs。
        What does the Agreement ultimately do?What are the benefits for consumers?

        According to the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Commerce, astronomical signs are an important type of intellectual property rights。The "Agreement" mainly rules the astronomical signs maintenance rules and astronomical signs mutual recognition list and other contents。Astronomical symbols included in the Agreement will enjoy a high degree of maintenance and can use the official symbols of astronomical symbols of both parties。The appendix of the Agreement includes 275 astronomical products from each side, touching alcohol, tea, agricultural products, food, etc。

        As the first comprehensive and high-level astronomical sign agreement signed by China's foreign trade, the Agreement has three main highlights:

        First, the number of maintenance is large。This is the first time that China and Europe have mutually recognized each other's astronomical symbols on a large scale, which are both well-known and well-known astronomical symbols of both sides。For example, China's Shaoxing wine, Liu 'an Gua slice, Anxi Tieguanyin, Helan Mountain eastern foot wine;European champagne, Bavarian beer, Parma ham, olive oil from the Magina Mountains, etc。These astronomical signs will benefit thousands of products and consumer businesses。

        The second is to maintain rich varieties。The astronomical symbols included in the agreement list by China not only touch on alcohol, tea, agricultural products, food, etc., but also touch on Chinese characteristics such as rice paper and Shu brocade, which represent traditional Chinese culture。Previously, the EU has only negotiated astronomical indications for agricultural products, food and alcohol, and this is the first time that the EU has included such astronomical indications in its agreements。

        Third, the maintenance treatment is high。The astronomical signs included in the agreement can not only be maintained to a high degree in the other party, but also can use the astronomical signs of the other party, which is conducive to the effective development of the market for related products。The high degree of treatment provided by the Agreement will be conducive to the recognition of relevant Chinese products by EU consumers and further promote the export of relevant products to Europe;At the same time, it also provides legal guarantee for effectively preventing the impersonation and forgery of astronomical products。

        "Europe has a lot of good characteristic products, such as red wine, milk, desserts, etc., are very popular with Chinese consumers。After the signing of the Agreement, the goods of origin are clearly marked, which makes it easier for our consumers to identify and buy their favorite European goods!"Beijing white-collar Chen Biwei told reporters。

        Lu Nan, who lives in Tianjin, also likes to buy some imported European food, and she thinks that more efforts to protect the origin of goods are good for consumers and foreign businesses。"The increase of genuine products of origin not only reduces the difficulty of our choice, but also provides some concessions in price.。In the future, I will also look around more to see how different channels of stores have changed。”

        For enterprises involved in China-Eu trade, the "mutual recognition of good goods" brought about by the Agreement also constitutes an essential benefit。

        Yan Zewen, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Sichuan Tea Group, said that for the tea industry, the tea industry all over the country is doing regional brands, and the development of regional brands has not found a good way。The usual implementation of the "Tianfu Dragon bud" landmark in Central Europe is not only an innovation in the national tea industry, but also invented the conditions for the export of high-quality Chinese tea。"With landmark maintenance, it is more necessary to strict quality control norms, so as to move towards a broader international market.。"Yan Zewen said。

        Shi Zhongsheng, president of the French Fujian Industry and Commerce Association, told this reporter that the signing of the Agreement will further expand the scope of Sino-European trade, stabilize the economic and trade foundation of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Europe, and increase the self-confidence of Chinese Chinese traveling between China and Europe。

        "The Agreement will enable European consumers to further understand Chinese products。Many astronomical sign products in China are produced in areas where the economy is not thriving。Promoting high-quality products from the mountains to the world is conducive to poverty alleviation and income increase, and inject new growth momentum into regions with low income。On the other hand, the Agreement provides adequate protection for the EU's high-quality characteristic products to enter the Chinese market, which can eliminate the worries of EU consumers, so that Chinese consumers can eat and use high-quality goods that are worthy of the name。"The Department of Commerce treaty and Law said。

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition


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