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The successful export of Hunan's first batch of citrus is inseparable from the support of customs personnel

  It's citrus harvest time again。September 8, passed the Changde customs quarantine, Shimen Duncheng Agricultural products Co., Ltd. processed 109.2 tons of fresh satsuma were shipped for export, which is the first batch of satsuma exports in Hunan Province this year, and it is also the fifth consecutive year that "China's first citrus export County" Hunan Shimen CountyExport citrus

  Hunan Shimen citrus has the characteristics of dignified and neat fruit shape, beautiful color, thin and smooth peel, red and tender meat, juicy, sweet and sour, rich flavor and so on, and has been favored by consumers at home and abroad for a long time。

  "Last year, our factory exported more than 160 containers of Shimen satsuma, with an income of more than 21 million yuan。This year, under the guidance and assistance of Changde Customs, we have registered new export orchards and processing plants, further expanding the fruit source and production and processing capacity, and strive to export more than 200 containers this year。"Shimen Dun into agricultural products Co., Ltd. said Tu Binghong。

The successful export of Hunan's first batch of citrus is inseparable from the support of customs personnel

  In order to support the export of high-quality agricultural products under its jurisdiction, Changde Customs sent personnel to the fields and processing workshops to guide enterprises and bases to establish and improve quality management systems, standardize their production management processes, help enterprises improve safety and health control levels, and ensure that the exported agricultural products meet the inspection and quarantine regulations and requirements of the importing country。

        Timely collect and sort out the new measures of overseas countries and regions on China's export of agricultural products due to the impact of the epidemic, combined with the quarantine requirements of import countries, carry out pre-export risk assessment for enterprises, and guide enterprises to take countermeasures。Comprehensively understand the production situation and export intention of citrus planting and export enterprises in the customs area, collect the difficulties and problems encountered by enterprises in the export link, and carry out accurate docking for enterprises with export intention, assign business experts to the factory to help and solve difficult problems for enterprises。

  "Customs efficient and convenient customs clearance supervision has greatly shortened the export time, especially since the export container quota is very tight this year, Changde Customs took the initiative to help us contact the relevant ports, strengthen customs clearance coordination, and solve the urgent needs of enterprises.。"Tu Binghong said。

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