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Current Location: 首页 - Foreign trade school - Freight common sense

The specific process and settlement costs of freight forwarders are here!

  1.Inquiry, provide inquiry information: goods name, quantity, weight, box size, destination airport and goods for inquiry。

  2.Sign the consignment letter, that is, the contract。

  3.Booking, after receiving the consignment of the cargo owner, the freight forwarder will select the appropriate route and flight time booking according to the requirements of the shipper and the arrangement of the carrier。

The specific process and settlement costs of freight forwarders are here!


       A: Shipper's own delivery: the freight forwarder shall fax the warehouse drawing of the goods to the consignor, indicating the contact person, telephone number, delivery address, time, etc。To ensure timely and accurate entry of goods into the warehouse。

  B: Freight forwarder receiving goods: the shipper needs to inform the freight forwarder of the specific transport address, contact information, telephone number, time and other information to ensure that the goods arrive in time。

  5.Customs declaration, by the owner to provide the information required for customs declaration: the corresponding packing list, invoice, declaration power of attorney and other documents (the national customs is currently implementing paperless declaration, customers need to sign a paperless agreement with the customs online), and sign a paperless agreement with the customs online。After the customs inspection is completed, the goods are released and the customs declaration procedures are completed。

  6.Transit customs clearance, A: Through the port of destination: customs clearance is the consignee on the air waybill, and the consignee's customs clearance is carried out on it。

  B: Non-direct destination: The air freight company is responsible for transshipment, delivering the goods to the final port of destination, and then clearing customs and picking up the goods by the consignee indicated on the waybill。

  7.When settling expenses, they must be settled in accordance with the settlement method agreed by both parties, if the settlement is now, the owner of the cargo pays the freight in advance, and then the carrier carries out the transportation。If both parties sign a monthly settlement agreement, the settlement shall be made at the time agreed by both parties。

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