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Export agent for industrial carts

Business information

    Destination port: Odessa, Ukraine
    Product name: Instrument car
    Use: A trolley to hold the meter

Export agent for industrial carts
    I. Brief operation process:
    Goods ready,Start booking shipping space,Prepare a full set of customs declaration documents,Arrange for the driver to pick up the goods,After the goods are delivered to the designated warehouse,Fumigation starts from the storage yard,The goods should be taken from the warehouse to the designated fumigation site for 24 hours,Fumigated and returned to the original warehouse,Confirm the contents of the fumigation certificate,Prepare for customs declaration,Customs clearance is very smooth,The ship leaves in two days,Prepare customs clearance documents for customers。
    Russian customers have special requirements for customs clearance documents, adjust the documents according to Russian customers' requirements, and finally provide a complete set of customs clearance documents that meet the requirements, and provide customs clearance lunches to Russian import customers。


Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Export agent for industrial carts |Cart exit |
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